As we pass the one-year mark for the start of the COVID 19 pandemic, we need to reflect, move forward, and turn up our positivity meter. We need to focus and chart our course on a positive path that focuses on the bright days ahead. Here are some tips to make our forward motion more pleasant, happier, and more successful:
- Prioritize – identify what is important to you. After going through Hurricane Katrina (Aug 2005) we learned that what we thought was important to us, really was not. We are seeing many similarities with the COVID-19 pandemic. What voids do we have due to the pandemic? I think the top void is the same we had after Katrina. People, interaction, and hugs. We get so much comfort from our friends, co-workers, and family… The pandemic caused us to lose the face-to-face visits, the in-person interaction at home, church, work, sporting events, or even the grocery store. We are built for interaction. While we all enjoy some “me time” – we have been forced to have too much “me time” and we really want some “US time.” We need that interaction, and we need that face-to-face visit. I need that hug from my mother, siblings, children, neighbors, and close friends. The elbow-to-elbow bump or the distant wave just doesn’t get it! My priority is God First, then my family! I start my day with God as my centerpiece and my leader, and when I do that, my day immediately becomes positive and productive.
- Do you – It’s time to do what you want, when you want. As the pandemic restrictions come to an end, it’s time to remember our health and safety, and do you! DO what makes you happy! Make positive memories with your friends, co-workers, and family. Move to a “Do You” phase! Time to focus on yourself!
- Focus on the positivity – Drop the negativity! Lose it, now! No negative people, no negativity zone, create it! Focus on positivity and positive thoughts. Attitude and outlook need to focus on the positive only. We have been focusing on negative, not-good, dark outlook minded things for over a year. Time to lose that! Make every day a positive day! Set a goal of the day, a goal that is filled with positive ideas, positive people, and positive outcomes. If a certain person(s) is bringing you down, move forward. If someone is sucking the energy out of you, or withdrawing more than they are depositing in your life, it’s time to close that account and move forward without that negativity and without that drain on you.
The time is now for Positivity! Let’s move forward in a positive, successful, motivating way. Today is the day – the day to move to the positive phase!